I too have joined the rucking again, partly from you and partly from F3. (f3nation.com) I find it less stressful on my body actually and can tell it has even improved my posture. A good walk, still, no headphones, just me, my breathing, my footsteps and my thoughts.

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As an avid cyclist who is currently hanging out in the Alps, I'm working on reminding myself how much terrain plays into everything. I need not think in average miles-per-hour or total miles per ride out here. Rather, vertical feet. A twenty-mile ride back home? Pssh. 20 miles here might mean 4,000-feet of climbing. Context matters. Anyway, that's my current interpretation of "Far, fast, or heavy."

"Far, fast, or UP."

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JD- Ihad a comment from last week, which I sat on. It was pedantic. But I haven’t shaken it. So here goes. There is nothing wrong with being last. Your writing has a theme, that you are only competing with yourself. Yet being last is only relevant with others. The point is minor, as there are always other fools to be last. But since your writing is always so principled, I can’t let go of the idea of being a good teammate and also not ever being last. Someone is always last. Sometimes they are a good person, teammate , operator, or Marine. I mean not to box in the larger message for this minor point. I know only I am at my best when I stop comparing with others. A small point, for your consideration.

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Great advice, John. As I stated to you earlier, you’ve inspired me about 6 weeks ago to start rucking and I have my wife doing it as well...getting comfortable being uncomfortable! 👊

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