Big things are coming from Walking Point in 2025. Stand by for more.
Happy Thanksgiving!
In the Marine Corps, we are big on the offense. The primary mission of the Marine Rifle squad is to “Locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver.”
As I mentioned last week, sometimes you have to defend. However, even as we defend, we also prepare a counterattack.
As someone said, “The best defense is a good offense.”
It may be tactically advisable to move in a defensive posture today and through the end of the year.
Holiday commitments may prevent you from making great fitness gains over the next month, but as discussed last week, that is no reason to give up.
We can use the time with family and friends to rest and recharge and prevent losing ground by establishing a few simple routines:
Remind yourself each morning of the fitness goals you have established and why.
Continue to make time for a morning workout. You know the whole day will go better if you do.
You will probably eat too much today. One day won’t hurt you, but be sure to prioritize protein. Turkey is a superfood.
Be sure to drink at least 64 oz of water— a full glass thirty minutes before dinner helps.
Get in at least 15 minutes of walking after dinner.
Remember that one piece of pie is fine; the subsequent pieces never taste as good.
Maybe you shouldn’t jump on the scale Friday morning. If you do, it is likely to be high. A lot of that is water weight held by the extra carbs. If you keep your defenses up and return to normal eating, that weight will be gone by Monday. If you throw in the towel and start drinking from the gravy boat—maybe not.
Finally, over the next month, set aside time to start planning your goals for 2025— your counterattack.
I truly hope you have a wonderful day today and that you have plenty to be thankful for. I know I do.
Until next week, Keep Walking Point.
Tough Rugged Bastards may or may not be on Amazon's Black Friday sale. A great way to finish your Christmas shopping early is to buy copies for everyone. It is also now available on Audible.
On my other, saltier newsletter, Ruck The F*ck Up, we are building a tribe who are interested in getting back in the best shape of their lives, especially for those 40+. If that sounds like you, join us.
I am a little late to the party, but without reading the order, I assaulted through the objective—sua sponte and all that. Great work John.
That graphic is hilarious. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, John.